Marsh Hydroil bypass separators are designed to treat 10% of peak flow.
The drainage areas served by each separator are determined in accordance with both BS EN858 parts 1&2, but also with reference to a formula provided by the Environment Agency, where NSB=0.0018xA (catchment area in m2). Flows from higher rainfall rates are allowed to bypass the main separation chamber.
- Inlet
- Oil skimmer plate
- Coalescer
- Outlet
5. Access turret
6. Level alarm dip pipe
7. Air vent
- Designed and tested to meet latest UK and European standards
- Corrosion resistant
- Tank shells guaranteed for 25 years with a design life of 50 years
- Heavy duty shells enable installation in all ground conditions
- Easy access turrets for maintenance and servicing (Turret guards optional)
- Various alarm types available (Required by EN858-1)
- Variable invert depths and inlet/outlet configurations to suit individual site conditions
- Vented turrets dissipate excessive fumes and vapours